Lore-and-Saga Living history services and resources for schools, museums and heritage sites. Viking and Roman in school sessions and craft demonstrations. teachers notes and worksheets. Vikings, Saxons, Romans, national curriculum, invaders and settlers, key stage 2, history, teachers information, living history interpreter, in school sessions, storytelling, Roman resources, educational presentations, Viking lore, runes, Roman lore, Viking saga, living history interpretation, Viking resources, Odin, Viking crafts demonstrations, Roman cookery display, Viking silverwork, Roman games, chronology, Viking games, Roman school visits, Viking runes, national curriculum history key stage two, Viking school visits
How did Odin lose his eye?
Why did we call our Living History Education service Lore and Saga?
Working inside a Viking house. The Vikings were great craftsmen and fine examples of Viking crafts still survive from many sites.

Danelaw Viking Village.

Of the many historical sites and organisations I have worked with in the last decade or so, none have impressed me more than the Danelaw project.

Working from Murton Park, near York, Dave Thirlwall and his team have built a very atmospheric “Viking Village” for education use. Dave himself is the first to admit that the construction methods aren’t as accurate as they could be but the prime requisite was that the village should be safe and usable as a giant classroom.

The education program developed on the site has expanded now to include a Roman Fort, Celtic Roundhouses and recently a Tudor Farmhouse.

With a wide ranging outreach service for schools of which I am now proud to be associated, the staff now work with over 60,000 school children each year and are booking two years in advance.


 Arson attack and the new Longhouse built in just five weeks !


Enquiries for Danelaw Viking Village or Brigantium Roman Fort.               

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Lore-and-Saga Living history services and resources for schools, museums and heritage sites. Viking and Roman in school sessions and craft demonstrations. teachers notes and worksheets. Vikings, Saxons, Romans, national curriculum, invaders and settlers, key stage 2, history, teachers information, living history interpreter, in school sessions, storytelling, Roman resources, educational presentations, Viking lore, runes, Roman lore, Viking saga, living history interpretation, Viking resources, Odin, Viking crafts demonstrations, Roman cookery display, Viking silverwork, Roman games, chronology, Viking games, Roman school visits, Viking runes, national curriculum history key stage two, Viking school visits
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